Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Alpha Version of LabRat ready

LabRat = The first version Application Security Testing CD developed with the OWASP project.

3 straight weekends behind the pc and it is finally ready for testing. This process took MUCH longer than expected. I ended up testing about every distro and method for creating a live CD. I ended up using Morphix ( www.Morphix.org ) for the first version of LabRat.

LabRat v0.8 is based on debian and runs the 2.6.15 kernel and Morphix live cd modules. So far it just minimal branding and content. The goal now is to create a stable environment to build the Live CDs. Once that has been checked off the CD will take personality and start including tools to make it functional other than a coaster.

Current build includes;
PacketFocus/Owasp Wallpaper
Custom menu items
Desktop shortcuts to tools/pentest folder

Metasploit 2.5

Upcoming Changes:
Custom BootScreens
Custom KDE Theme
Redesigned Menu to include the OWASP methedology
Fuzzing Tools
Voip Tools
RFID Tools
WebScarab Proxy

You are more than welcome to download the CD and give it a go. However, I must warn you.. It is a large download and doesn't contain much content as of yet.

download LabRat version 0.8 www.packetfocus.com/hackos

Stay Tuned for the next version in June 2006

email: josh.perrymon @ packetfocus.com


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